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To me, nothing says summer like a flowy, white dress. Since the beginning of summer, and our continued quarantine, I’ve been wearing a lot more dresses than usual. I can say with 100 percent confidence (and absolute happiness) that I haven’t squeezed into a pair of jeans since March!

Maybe as a result of my freedom from jeans (or any other kind of form-fitting attire), I noticed that I’ve become a lot more comfortable in my own skin. I used to be a lot harder on myself (and my body), mainly because I was always comparing myself with others (tiny others with zero boobs, hips, thighs, or butts). I never felt “skinny enough” and there were always those elusive five pounds that I needed to lose to attain that ever-mystical perfect body.

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This may seem silly, but I used to be completely squeamish about wearing sweaters on top of dresses—it’s one of those things that I thought looked so great on rail-thin models/bloggers, but add any kind of tummy, hip, or butt, and almost immediately, a large pear wearing a sweater looked back at me from the mirror and said, “Girl, fruit shouldn’t wear clothes.” (Yes y’all, my inner monologue is a wack-a-doo).

Thankfully, that has been an unexpected (and most welcomed) side-effect of this quarantine, and possibly the current social revolution we find ourselves in. There’s this wave of acceptance, and even appreciation, of things that stray from the “norm.” And without really giving much thought to the how or why of it, I’ve become much more comfortable in my own skin. And brace yourselves, I freaking love to wear sweaters with dresses! Gasp! It’s simply the most perfect outfit combo of all time—you’ve got the freedom and flow of a dress with the comfort and security that a cozy sweater can bring. Besides, a pear wearing a sweater is actually pretty cute when you stop to think about it. I mean, why can’t fruit wear cute sweaters?!?

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Has anyone else had any sort of light-bulb moment during these involuntarily introspective times? (I’ve also realized that my love for breakfast burritos is tremendously real, and I would eat one every single day for the rest of eternity, if I could. I could go on about the perfection that’s inherent when you combine eggs, potatoes, breakfast meats, avocados, salsa, and wrap them all deliciously together inside a fluffy tortilla. But I probably already scared you with the sweater-clad pear, so I’ll stop. For now.)

Back to the reason why we’re all here. I’ve rounded up a few of my favorite LWD (little white dresses), some of which I have, and some that are on my wishlist (and even some that are on my, one-day-when-I-win-the-lottery list). Enjoy!

From left to right top: Old Navy (dress I’m wearing)/Target/Doen
Bottom: H&M/Son de Flor

Posted by:theburrierannex

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